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We may not have the reputation for being a world-famous LGBTQ destination, but you can be certain that Normandy welcomes everyone in an environment that is friendly to all. Land of peace and liberty, Normandy is a place where you can be yourself!

A region for everyone

Each one of our main cities has a small, but vibrant LGBTQ scene, and our beautiful part of France hosts notable annual events and festivals such as the Rouen Pride. Normandy stands proud, accessible and welcoming, so come be a part of our continuing history!

Rouen © B. Collier


It’s always fun to discover the local scene while travelling, so here are a few bars and nightclubs to check out for a great LGBTQ night out in Normandy:


Rouen is Normandy’s capital city, and therefore boasts the region’s most important LGBTQ scene. The medieval city centre has some good venues, including Le Milk , Le Vixen and the famous XXL bar and nightclub.


Caen is Normandy’s second-largest city and also has a couple of good venues, including L’Apollon, one of Normandy’s oldest gay cruising bars, and L’Aqueerium.


The coastal town of Dieppe, which is France’s first seaside resort and the closest beach to Paris, is home to one of France’s most famous new cabarets: La Sirène à Barbe. You can enjoy unique drag shows there every Friday and Saturday!


At the peak of the Cotentin Peninsula, Cherbourg is a large town of 80,000 inhabitants where you’ll find Le Freedom bar and nightclub.

Cherbourg © E. Benard


Rouen Pride

This major event takes place every year end spring. It starts off with a big parade through the streets of the city centre, continues with a party on the south bank and ends with an after party at Le Milk or a cruise on the River Seine!

Caen Pride

Normandy’s second-largest city hosts a colourful Pride every year end spring. Thousands of students take part in this event.

Alençon Pride

Despite its compact size, the town of Alençon also organises its own Pride event in May or June, in which 500 people took part last year.

Film Festival

Every April, the Ciné Friendly Film Festival in Rouen showcases the best of LGBTQ film.

All of the events mentioned above are steadily growing in popularity…

Bar in Rouen © Le Milk


There are many LGBTQ-friendly gites and B&Bs which you will find listed here.

Other resources

For extra information about news, events, local associations and the LGBTQ community in Normandy, you can have a look at the Gayviking website, packed with useful advice and info.

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Town and city breaks