Terms and conditions
Updated on 3 June 2024
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WEBSITE editor
Comité Régional de Tourisme de Normandie
14, rue Charles Corbeau – 27000 Evreux
WEBSITE publisher
Comité Régional de Tourisme de Normandie
14, rue Charles Corbeau – 27000 Evreux
Website design
IRIS Interactive, « Créateur d’empreintes digitales »
3 Avenue d’Aiguilhe – 43000 Le Puy en Velay
IRIS Interactive, « Créateur d’empreintes digitales »
3 Avenue d’Aiguilhe – 43000 Le Puy en Velay
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Accuracy of Information
In spite of the care taken in collecting the information and in creating this website by using the most recent technology, errors, omissions, inaccuracies, cuts or additions beyond our control may remain or occur on this website. For this reason, Normandy Tourism Board cannot be held liable, either expressly or implicitly, for the entire content of the site; the user of the site and the information it contains acknowledges that he or she uses it at his or her own risk and that Normandy Tourism Board cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect prejudice of any nature whatsoever as a result of using some information provided on the website. Likewise, Normandy Tourism Board cannot be held liable for the nature or content of the sites referenced on the following pages, and in particular those accessed by hypertext links. In compliance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any personal data.
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