Seaside boat trips in Normandy

Take in the sea air off the Normandy coast. You’ll pick up a great sense of freedom while aboard your boat, be it a historic sailing vessel, a regular power boat or a modern sailing ship. Cast off me hearties!

Out of Granville, head for the 365 Chausey Islands, or set out from Grandcamp or Port-en-Bessin to see the Landing Beaches from a new perspective. Off the Côte Fleurie see the charming seaside resorts by setting out from Trouville-sur-Mer. One of the services out of Honfleur takes you under the engineering wonder of the Normandy Bridge while opposite you could take a guided tour of the port of Le Havre, the second port of France. Heading north, along the Alabaster Coast you can enjoy the dramatic chalk cliffs from the sea, by following the coastline to Etretat, FécampDieppe, as far as Le Tréport.

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