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From the Monts de Normandie et du Maine to the Bocage Domfrontais, uncover the beauty of the Normandie-Maine Regional Natural Park.

Explore unhindered

This regional natural park is vast, extending all the way from the Bay of the Mont-Saint-Michel and Brittany borders to the limestone plateau of the Parisian basin, comprising local natural landmarks such as the Aiguille de Mortain, Fosse Arthour, Alpes Mancelles and the Massif Armoricain. A great place for climbing!

There’s a real sense of adventure when exploring this part of Normandy, with its bubbling streams and peaceful paths, where the Sarthe and the Varenne rivers gather pace on their way to the sea, and the Cance river turns into cascading waterfalls. Blend into the landscape observing the flora and fauna which envelops you as you pass by in your kayak. Below you lurk rare white-foot shrimps and freshwater pearl mussels. On foot or horseback, or by bike or horse-drawn carriage, criss-cross the regional natural park’s many majestic forests with romantic names likes Andaines, Écouves, Perseigne and Sillé, which cover over 125,000 acres.

Venture back in time

There are many castles scattered across the area from east to west, enough to evoke the dangers of living on the borders of medieval Normandy. In Domfront, Lassay-les-Châteaux, Sillé-le-Guillaume and many other places besides, these ancient strongholds proudly defy the passage of time.

Château de Carrouges
Château de Carrouges

Useful information

Parc Naturel Régional Normandie-Maine
Maison du Parc, 61320 Carrouges
+33 (0)2 33 81 75 75


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