Visite guidée de la manufacture Filt 1860



Fabrication de filets multicolores – c. Filt 1860
Filt 1860
Couture d’un filet – c. Filt 1860
Filt 1860
Machine c. Filt 1860
Filt 1860
Visite Filt 1860
Filt 1860

Visit Filt 1860, which has been awarded the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company) label, and discover its ancestral know-how.

Renowned for its provisioning nets, Filt 1860 has a simple mission: to promote French textile know-how here and around the world, thanks to cords and nets manufactured in Normandy for over 160 years.

Filt 1860 is a team on a human scale, an artisanal production workshop, preserved know-how, and a healthy dose of optimism, audacity, determination and good ideas, which today enables them to export the image of the company and their products to over 50 countries, including Korea, Japan, the United States and Russia.

Elvire will introduce you to the history and development of the Normandy-based company, before taking you inside the workshop where the famous nets and cords are made. You'll discover the different areas of the workshop: knitting, braiding, garment making, quality control and shipping.

At the end of the tour, take advantage of the boutique and benefit from a 3? discount!

Practical information :

For safety reasons, children under 8 are not allowed on the tour.
As the workshop part of the tour is quite noisy, earplugs will be provided free of charge.
Duration of visit: approx. 1h30.


Payment methods

  • Carte bleue
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash
  • Contactless payment



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  • Car park