Fragrances, extraits de paysages

Major events, 



The association Le Dit de l'Eau invites you to take a journey through the olfactory landscapes of Normandy?s coastlines, immortalized in the paintings of Signac, Seurat and Valadon, through a series of show walks that explore these spaces in a sensitive, rather than visual, way.

This project offers a different perception of the landscapes depicted in the paintings, with a focus on scents. The walk-shows are an opportunity to combine different approaches for a better perception of the sense of smell: botany, chemistry, gastronomy with live cooking, poetry, visual arts... and take place at different times of the day. The sense of smell, in touch with our emotions and memories, is a powerful revealer of our way of being in the world. These unique experiences take place in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel (Courtils, Mont Saint-Michel, Genêts, Jullouville, Granville, Chausey Archipelago), Bessin (Grandcamp, Port-en-Bessin), Cotentin (Ile Tatihou in Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue).


  • Discovery
  • Hikes/Walks
  • Show


Opening on 30 June 2024
DimancheNot provided