Cérémonie en hommage à la 95th Infantry Division

Major events, 



june 2, 2024: The C.L.V.M.A. 95th I.D. association is organizing the inauguration of 2 plaques in tribute to the landing of the U.S. 95th Infantry Division at Omaha Beach and its billeting at Mandeville en Bessin.
The ceremony will take place on Sunday June 2 in front of the Mandeville en Bessin town hall at 3pm.
It will be followed by a vin d'honneur and a photo/material exhibition at the commune's salle des fêtes.

Further information: Both monuments were entirely financed with the help of the families & friends of veterans of the 95th Infantry Division Association in the USA.
The event will be honored by the presence of several families of veterans of the 95th Infantry Division, namely :
- Mr. Mike & Mrs. Marsha FLORA: daughter of Edward DeWayne SNELL, Co. F, 378th Infantry Regiment,
- Mr. Jim & Mrs. Nancy DUNO BROADWAY: daughter of Anthony DUNO, Co. G, 379th Infantry Regiment,
- Mrs Kristin WHITTINGTON : granddaughter of Charles WHITTINGTON, Co. I, 377th Infantry Regiment.
We are also counting on the presence of Mr. Ceo BAUER, veteran of 101 years, Co. I, 377th Infantry Regiment, if his health allows him to travel.


  • D-Day
  • Commemorations


Opening on 02 June 2024
Dimanche 15h00 à 19h00


Free for all