Caen pendant la bataille | RDV Découverte

Major events, 



On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, we invite you to explore the decisive days when the fate of a city was decided. The battle for the liberation of Caen meant 12 days of fire, 44 days of siege and 72 days of bombardment, almost 2,000 dead and a territory largely devastated. Inhabitants organized themselves to survive in the midst of the fighting, between grief and hope. Emergency teams saving lives in the midst of chaos. Military strategies applied to battlefields dozens of kilometers wide, but also field combatants, civil engineering operations, the rebuilding of roads and bridges needed to keep the war going all the way to Germany. Last but not least, it was the end of an authoritarian political regime, the hope of a return to democracy.
A visit proposed by Patrice Gourbin.
Practical informationSeating is limited, so reservations are essential. Ticket sales open on January 11, 2024, online and at tourist information offices in Caen and Ouistreham.


  • Visit


Opening on 22 June 2024
Samedi 14h00 à 16h00


Base rate 7€
Reduced rate 6€
