34e Festival des Nouveaux Talents et Invités

Major events, 


From 15/08/2024

The Festival of New Talents and Guests of Villers-sur-Mer composes an iodized and refreshing score, sprinkled with proximity and sharing between musicians and public. A seaside festival that aims to be curious and daring, it brings together the best solo and chamber music artists of the moment, including the Victoires de la Musique and more than promising revelations, without setting musical or geographical boundaries, for a series of concerts given in the panoramic hall of the Casino de Villers-sur-Mer, where the view of the sea is unobstructed.
The only requirement of the festival: to combine the excellence of the music with a strong interaction with the public, by democratizing the "Great Music" by an educational dimension: the musicians themselves present their concert, musical workshops and songs for children are proposed, piano lessons (initiation to all perfectionisms) are lived all in discovery...


  • Music
  • Classical music
  • Concert
  • Festival
  • Show


Open from 15 August 2024 to 21 August 2024
LundiNot provided
MardiNot provided
MercrediNot provided
JeudiNot provided
VendrediNot provided
SamediNot provided
DimancheNot provided


Subscriber's rate 80€
Base rate 10€
Base rate 12€
Reduced rate 10€
Student rate 6€
