Château de Crèvecœur

Cultural Heritage, 


Château de Crèvecoeur_basse-cour ©Alain Baudry
Château de Crèvecoeur_Logis ©Alain Baudry
Château de Crèvecoeur_Porterie ©Alain Baudry
Château de Crèvecoeur_colombier ferme ©Alain Baudry
© Alain Baudry
Crevecoeur Institutionnel-86
Crevecoeur Institutionnel-82
Crevecoeur Institutionnel-111
Château de Crèvecoeur_Parocurs aventure ©PHOTO 911

Of the fortified sites that existed in Normandy during the Middle Ages, Crèvecoeur is a unique and perfectly preserved example of a small lord's castle. This medieval castle surrounded by water has retained its original two-part layout; on the earthen mound the residential manor is protected by fortifications, whereas the chapel and the half-timbered farm buildings are concentrated in the farm yard. Exhibitions relate the site's medieval history, the construction of half-timbered houses and the adventure of the Schlumberger brothers. Unaccompanied visit lasts 1 hour 30 minutes.

Ratings and quality marks

  • Normandie Qualité Tourisme
  • Qualité Tourisme


Payment methods

  • American Express
  • Carte bleue
  • Debit cards
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash
  • Eurocard - Mastercard
  • Visa



  • Internet access
  • Screen
  • Paperboard
  • Video projector
  • WIFI
  • Picnic area
  • Baby changing area
  • Free parking
  • Outdoor games
  • Indoor games
  • Toilets
  • Covered picnic area


  • Shop
  • Play area
  • Bicycle parking
  • Free WIFI
  • Animals welcome
  • Groups welcome