Villes en Scène > Spectacle “Offre speciale”

Major events, 



As part of the "La Manche met les villes en scène" festival, join us at the Métronome hall in Canisy (Saint-Ebremond-de-Bonfossé) for the "Offre spéciale" show by the Joe Sature company and its merry band of knucklebones.

Two musicians for the price of one!
Régis and Gérald were sacked from a major ballroom orchestra for a minor offence, and have now turned to low-cost show business. Fast songs, cheap instruments and out-of-date humor are the ingredients of a discount show where everything, even the quality, is revised downwards. Of course, it's all discount.

Even if the laughs aren't on sale, Offre spéciale is an opportunity worth seizing. Fabrice Brisson and Manu Constant, the two actor-musicians, breathe vitality into this biting satire of showbiz. With their junk songs and cheap refrains, their popular tunes made up of little things that can be sung and danced to on occasion, they are irresistible.

From and by : Fabrice Bisson and Manu Constant
Lighting: Thalie Guibout

Running time: 1h10 - All audiences.


  • Other
  • Discovery
  • Festival
  • Show


Opening on 28 November 2024
JeudiFrom 20h30


Base rate 9€
Reduced rate 4€