Un monde hostile pour un cœur tendre – Tanguy Pastureau

Major events, 



After an almost unbearable wait and the resounding success of his first show, "N?est pas célèbre", Tanguy Pastureau finally returns with a new creation: "Un monde hostile pour un coeur tendre". A quiet man in troubled times, he's back on stage to do you some good. His mission is to soothe and relieve a troubled France.

Death threats on social networks, aggressive human relations, knives flying everywhere, bullying at school and the free sale of sleeveless down jackets: it's a hostile world out there. Tanguy Pastureau knows this, and tries to shield himself from the onslaught of hatred. But he's a sensitive man, with a heart of semi-salted butter. And what if, in the end, this fragility automatically puts him on the right team? The team of people who doubt.


  • Comedy
  • Show
  • Theatre


Opening on 05 February 2025
Mercredi 20h30 à 21h55


Base rate 14€
Reduced rate 7€

Payment methods

  • Carte bleue
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash