Touques Stand-up : la finale

Major events, 



By and starring Heidi Varin.

A bare tree stands on the stage.
A character sits on one of the branches. He has things to say.
And he's not the only one.

Madame D. at the Tourlaville Ehpad is asking herself some strange questions, Rachel escapes from Speed Dating, Melody doesn?t want to reach the age of reason, Jean and Madeleine are still arguing tenderly, a CRS is having a field day on strike, a son erases his repertoire from his repertoirea son erases his mother?s name from his address book, Lydie throws away her pearl necklace, Benjamin doesn?t want to deny himself Rose?s smile, Morgane Bisson hallucinates, an expectant father worries about motherhood, an old man observes young people on the beach on Sundays, a He and a She quarrel at the supermarket, and an absentee encourages dreams.

The spectator is invited to journey into naïve, cynical, melancholy or luminous universes, echoed by actress Heidi Varin.
A song from somewhere else sometimes winds itself around the branches.


  • Humour
  • Show


Opening on 26 October 2024
SamediFrom 20h00


Base rate 22€
Subscriber's rate 18€