Théâtre “Rodogune”

Major events, 



Mathieu Létuvé brings to the stage the words and evils of the novel À la ligne? Feuillets d?usine, Joseph Ponthus?s literary success. The daily tale of a worker sent to the temp office to work first in a fish cannery and then in a Breton slaughterhouse. On the line. By the line. Day after day, he catalogues with infinite precision the gestures of work, the noise, the fatigue, the dreams confiscated in the repetition of exhausting rituals, in the suffering of the body. What saves him is literature, which he calls to the rescue to cushion the violence of everyday life. Directed by David Gauchard, Mathieu Létuvé immerses us realistically in the daily lives of factory workers, the men and women "in the shadows" who are worn down, tired and alienated by industrial mechanics, with the utmost indifference. A poignant account of a social reality at the heart of the issues facing our mass-production society.

At Le Rayon vert at 8pm

Estimated running time 1h10
Rates B : from 10 ? to 19?
Public : 10 years +


  • Theatre


Opening on 26 November 2024
MardiFrom 20h00


Base rate 10€ 19€

Payment methods

  • Carte Tatoo
  • Carte bleue
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash