Sur les épaules des géants 2024

Major events, 


From 26/09/2024

This is an invitation.

An invitation to explore scientific knowledge.
An invitation to better understand the process and history of science.
An invitation to discover the careers of researchers past and present.
An invitation to take time for curiosity, experimentation, discovery and demonstration.

Because our present is the result of history.
Because it is always necessary to draw on acquired knowledge to see further ahead.
Because the formula evokes the very DNA of Le Havre, a city with a strong past, strong in its history and resolutely innovative, bold and forward-looking.
"Sur les épaules des géants" (On the shoulders of giants) is a beautiful image of scientific progress, reminding us that however far we may be able to see and understand, it will always only be thanks to the progress of those who have gone before us, and is in fact the name of the first edition of this new scientific culture event initiated by the City of Le Havre.

The event, which is open to all and designed to democratize science and disseminate knowledge, will take place in the heart of a popular university district, with an accessible, experiential program featuring fun workshops, inspiring encounters, cross-views and cultural offerings from visionary speakers from all over France.

An opportunity to rekindle our desire and curiosity for science, its disciplines and discoveries. Not least by making basic scientific concepts more familiar to everyone.
An opportunity to understand the impact of science on our daily lives.
An opportunity to shed light on the exceptional vocations and itineraries of men and women working tirelessly to improve our daily lives, in the service of the common good to solve the major challenges facing humanity.

Take a step back, see better, see further. This is what awaits you in Le Havre on September 26, 27 and 28.

Full program on the event website.
Online ticketing opens mid-August


  • Astronomy
  • Geology
  • Nature
  • Work shop / Course
  • Conference
  • Exhibition
  • Visit


Open from 26 September 2024 to 28 September 2024
JeudiNot provided
VendrediNot provided
SamediNot provided


Free for all