Sous le poids des plumes

Major events, 



After a tour of Europe and the United States, the Pyramid company returns to our cultural season with a new show you won't want to miss!

Four dancers who, through the poetry of their bodies, plunge into a dreamlike world where their different life memories collide. A succession of playlets, like images of daily life, sweet, funny and cheeky, combining dance, burlesque, physical theater and object manipulation. Memories are what make us who we are, reflecting our lives and our identity. Memories are also what bind us to the passing of time.

Further information: So they get damaged, fragmented, like feathers escaping us. So, are we really sure we remember? These feathers, when they fly away, make us remember? But as time passes, the feathers fall away, and vitality fades. What are we left with but this naked, raw body, revealing our scars?


Opening on 04 October 2024
VendrediFrom 20h30


Base rate 10€
Subscriber's rate 7€
Reduced rate 4€
Group rate 8€
