Saison culturelle : “Une saison en enfer” – Théâtre de l’Unité

Major events, 


From 17/09/2024

Théâtre de l'Unité: "Une saison en enfer" - Based on the work of Arthur Rimbaud
Running time: 2 hours
Public : from 14 years old
Location: On tour, departing from Place Saint Laurent
Show free of charge, on reservation: 02 31 90 89 60

"We still have a lot of people to disappoint, sometimes we have to. We're about to step into a jungle, into an esoteric, opaque text. This isn't armchair theater where you have a good time, this isn't a story where you identify with a hero. It won't be a sweet candy with a pleasant taste. No, I promise you bitter, acidic, rough...

In short, we're not offering you a pleasure ride."
Jacques Livchine


  • Show


Open from 17 September 2024 to 18 September 2024
Mardi 18h00 à 20h00
Mercredi 18h00 à 20h00


Free for all