Planches Contact #15 – Rencontre et lecture : « Regards, un siècle de photographie de Brassaï à Martin Parr »

Major events, 



Since its beginnings, photography has produced images that continue to mark our collective imagination. More than a simple art form, photography is a means of information, a weapon of revolt, and a way of documenting an era, a culture or a group. It elevates to the status of icons both the most famous celebrities - featured in the pages of this book, such as Marilyn Monroe, Samuel Beckett, Ingrid Bergman, Yves Saint-Laurent, Brigitte Bardot and Patti Smith - and the anonymous.

Thanks to the exceptional photographic collection built up by Fnac since 1978, now housed at the Musée Nicéphore Niépce in Chalon-sur-Saône, Quentin Bajac, director of the Jeu de Paume, has been able to bring together the greatest representatives of all photographic genres in this book, tracing the history of 20th-century photography and sketching the portrait of an era.


  • Photography
  • Work shop / Course


Opening on 14 December 2024
Samedi 16h00 à 17h30


Base rate 5€
