Pèlerinage diocésain

Major events, 



Presided over by Mgr Gregoire Cador, Bishop of Coutances and Avranches.
7.45 am: Meeting point at Genêts bridge
A daily fee of 10 euros. Barefoot, sandals in a small rucksack, picnic, remember to protect yourself from the sun, wind and rain? Children aged 7 and over are welcome. You'll need to be in good shape for the 9 km one-way trip.
8 a.m.: Morning service and departure for the mountain, crossing the beaches
11:30am: At the foot of the mountain, procession to Saint Peter?s church and the abbey church
12:15pm: Masses at Saint Pierre church and abbey church
1:30 pm: Picnic
3:30 pm: Meeting and sharing in the garden
4:45pm: Vespers in the garden
6pm: Departure for the return journey on foot (a return journey by coach is possible - please register in the morning in Genêts and pay 12 euros)
Around 8pm: arrival at Genêts bridge


  • Other
  • Pilgrimage and procession
  • Hikes/Walks


Opening on 15 July 2024
Lundi 07h45 à 20h00