Par le pouvoir du manga ! – Exposition

Major events, 


From 18/10/2024

In 16 chapters, illustrator Elsa Brants takes us on a journey of discovery of this pillar of Japanese literature. Long associated with a form of subculture, manga has now taken its rightful place in France as a genuine visual art form.

Heir to numerous Japanese traditions, it is one of the segments of a culture teeming with practices from which it draws inspiration, and which it in turn inspires. Yet many tenacious preconceived ideas still contribute to the lack of understanding of this type of comic strip among the French public.

The exhibition offers some of the keys to manga culture, which can also be explored in a playful way in a booklet-game.

Free admission during opening hours at Le Passage media library, 2 bis rue de l'Huisne, Rémalard-en-Perche: Mondays 10am-12pm, Tuesdays and Fridays 3pm-7pm, Wednesdays 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm, Saturdays 9am-12pm and 2pm-4pm.


  • Exhibition


Open from 18 October 2024 to 20 November 2024
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