Les Virevoltés : Cie Amoukanama “FA” à Vaudry

Major events, 



Let's burn Scarlett and the others!
Let's burn our classics, since they no longer have the right to bear witness to the past.
Let's burn our old epics because we're terrified of our own reflection.
Let us burn those who dare to embody those they are not! Burn theater and actors at the stake!
And let's burn these characters, since they bear witness to the darkness of our humanity!
Or else?
Or perhaps one last time?
Perhaps we'll dare to tell ourselves a story
from another era? A love story with an unbearable seducer,
a woman with changing values whom we love to hate, a story tainted
racism, but also a story of emancipation, freedom and the
emancipation, freedom and the war for Good? unless the heroes of our
our memories, our fictions, frighten us?
"Men burn what they don't understand, and I'm afraid that today
that today, they no longer understand themselves 70mn - rocambolical epic - all audiences, ages 8 and up.


  • Family
  • Street theatre
  • Festival
  • Show


Opening on 03 July 2024
MercrediFrom 18h30


Free for all