La Réserve en Seine

Major events, 



Discover the Seine estuary nature reserve by boat.

Embark on an exceptional 3-hour cruise through the heart of the nature reserve. Discover the wildlife and landscapes of the Seine estuary.
The operation is proposed by the Pôle métropolitain in partnership with the Maison de l'estuaire and the shipowner Vedettes Baie de Seine.

Rich landscapes:
This cruise aboard the Ville du Havre boat takes passengers along the Seine as far as the confluence with the Risle maritime river: Pont de Normandie, Port 2000, Pointe de Saint Samson, mudflats, reedbeds, ponds, grassy banks... are just some of the landscape features on offer.

Discover the local fauna:
The vast wetlands of the Seine estuary are extremely favourable to biodiversity, and among the hundreds of species of birds, fish, mammals and amphibians that live in the Seine estuary, passengers can discover the whiskered geoduck, the common oystercatcher, Camargue horses, the grey seal and the harbour porpoise...

A tour with commentary by the Maison de l'estuaire:
The tour, with commentary by a guide from the Maison de l'estuaire, offers a new perspective on this protected natural area, its landscapes, the wildlife that inhabits its tumultuous waters, and the important events that have shaped its present-day face over time.


  • Ecologically sensitive natural areas
  • Family
  • Wildlife
  • Flowers plants
  • Plants
  • Visit


Opening on 29 September 2024
Dimanche 09h00 à 12h00


Base rate 24,50€
Reduced rate 17,50€
Family Price 70€
