Journées du Patrimoine : Visite libre de la Chapelle de Torp

Major events, 


From 21/09/2024

Come and discover or rediscover La Chapelle de Torp and its treasures. The association's volunteers will be on hand to welcome you.

Before 1828, when Torp became part of Villers Canivet, this small chapel was the parish church of the commune of Torp. Built in the late 10th and early 12th centuries, this place of worship is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Named by the Vikings and transformed over the centuries, and used by the Little Sisters of the Poor, it has a history spanning several centuries. The Norman-style Romanesque choir still features arched openings, sculpted modillions, a walled side door and a stone altar; three graves bearing the Morel family coat of arms are visible on the paving. Purchased by the town council in 2002, the Association des Amis de la Chapelle de Torp (Friends of the Torp Chapel Association) is assisting the commune in renovating the site and bringing it back into use.

And on Saturday September 21, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm: Alain Hervé and Anne Faucher will perform an oboe and violin duet in aid of the Association des Amis de la Chapelle de Torp (free participation)

Prolong this moment of musical sharing over a glass of friendship offered by the Association.


  • Music
  • Heritage
  • Visit


Open from 21 September 2024 to 22 September 2024
Samedi 10h00 à 12h30 and 14h00 à 19h00
Dimanche 10h00 à 12h30 and 14h00 à 19h00

