[Journées du Patrimoine] Au Musée de l’Horlogerie

Major events, 



On the occasion of the Journées du Patrimoine, the Musée de l'Horlogerie invites you to discover forgotten or little-known games, and to explore the temporary exhibition in the company of a guide.

On the program:

> Saturday September 21 :

- Self-guided tour of the museum from 2pm to 6pm
- 7pm: Philippe Cazeneuve's talk "The more techno, the faster, the more time we save... and the less time we have!
The acceleration of time also means uncontrolled economic "growth" and development, with the environmental impact of human activities increasing exponentially. An invitation to question the evolving relationship between humans and technology, at a time when digital technology is invading our daily lives.

> Sunday September 22 :

- Self-guided tour of the museum from 11am to 6pm
- 11am: Guided tour of the exhibition "Measuring Records!
- From 2pm to 6pm: Discover Viking sports with a visit to the Ante Mortem association?s camp, or the practice of the fighting stick thanks to the Sunao association.
- 2pm, 3pm & 4pm: Express tour of the "Measuring Records!" exhibition
- 5pm: Why not try your hand at a game of croquet over a cup of tea? Go English for a visit to the museum.


  • History
  • Heritage
  • Visit


Opening on 21 September 2024
Samedi 14h00 à 19h00

Opening on 22 September 2024
Dimanche 11h00 à 18h00


Free for all