Journées Européennes du Patrimoine > Visites et demonstrations au château de Montfort

Major events, 


From 21/09/2024

As part of the European Heritage Days, come to Château de Montfort on September 21 and 22, from 10am to 6pm, to discover its world.

On the program for both days:

> Guided tour of the château.
The charm of a unique site on the edge of the marshes...
This late 15th-early 16th-century château was inhabited until 1755 by the Le Marquetel de Montfort family.
Partially dismantled in the 19th century, it fell into ruin and disappeared under the vegetation.
In 1981, it was bought by the "Association des Amis du Château de Montfort" (Friends of Montfort Castle Association), which undertook to restore it through volunteer workcamps, bringing it back to life with concerts, exhibitions, shows and a medieval festival...
The tour will be free or guided by Noël POTTIER, who founded the association and the volunteer workcamp in 1981: departure at 10.30 a.m. and every hour on Saturday and Sunday.

> Self-guided tour of the 1930s village.
Animated miniatures in 1/10 scale...
The "Village of the 1930s": animated miniatures illustrating traditional trades (blacksmith, cabinetmaker, clogmaker, cooper, linen ironer, gamekeeper, miller, washerwoman, ladder or rake maker, potter, firefighter, distiller, well-digger, wheelwright, sweeper, pit sawyer....), village life (the café, the war memorial, the funfair, the school, the grocery store, the bakery, the poacher, ...) and field work (plowing, apple picking, haymaking, harvesting, milking cows, ...). Designed in the 1980s by Edouard Dennebouy to a realistic 1/10th scale, they were exhibited at the Etang des Sarcelles for almost 20 years. Purchased by the Association des Amis du Château de Montfort, they were restored by the association's volunteers, and are now displayed on a 200 m2 site in the château's outbuildings.

> Self-guided tour of the David Austin rose garden.
A unique place in the department...
Created by a handful of volunteers according to a layout inspired by 16th-century gardens, its 600 m2 of remontant English roses enhance the château's old stonework.
Open to the public for the first time in 2022, with the aim of diversifying the tourist offer, it is maintained by the same volunteers.
Visitors appreciate the charm of this unique site on the edge of the marshes, and the only one of its kind in central Manche. Just take a look at the guestbook: "Roseraie de toute beauté, le soleil et le ciel bleu subliment l'ensemble", "La roseraie admirable a parfaitement sa place", "Merveilleux moments passés dans la roseraie", "Magnifique travail, digne de grands jardiniers", etc. The famous English rose gardener created his first rose in 1960, crossing old roses with modern varieties. At Château de Montfort, over 400 rose bushes exude a powerful fragrance reminiscent of old roses. They also look like old roses, with their cabbage shape and numerous petals, but their color palette is much broader, notably in shades of yellow and apricot.

> Artisan demonstration.
Ulbuk Le Nain, aka Matthieu GUILLEMARD, artisan cutler since 2020, has transformed his love of the medieval into a veritable craftsmanship. With a Nordic inspiration, he passionately forges blades where the raw and organic blend with formidable efficiency.
Maroquinerie du Cotentin is a Normandy-based leather goods company born of Virginie?s (Maître Artisan d?Art) dream of living out her passion for craftsmanship. As a child, she was bathed in the scent of leather and glue, and learned her craft from her father, a shoemaker and bootmaker. Her made-in-France products (belts, handbags, card holders, mouse pads, wallets?) are based on strong values: local, well-made, sustainable development?
Young stonemason Jade Sevaux will be demonstrating her skills.

Admission: €3, free <18 years, includes visit to the château, David Austin rose garden, animated miniatures of the 1930s village, carpenter's demonstration, cash and cheques only.


  • Craft industry
  • Other
  • Flowers plants
  • Heritage
  • Work shop / Course
  • Visit


Open from 21 September 2024 to 22 September 2024
Samedi 10h00 à 18h00
Dimanche 10h00 à 18h00


Base rate 0€ 3€
