Jardin d’acclimatation

Major events, 


To 15/09/2024

Opening on 19.07.2024 at 7 pm

This summer, the Usine Utopik is pleased to invite the Ergastule collective - an association founded in 2008 in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle - to take up residence in the greenhouse at Tessy-sur-Vire.

The collective will present the work of artists Hélène Bleys, Jeannie Brie, Julie Freichel, Emma Perrochon, Céline Poutas, Eva Prusiewicz and Olivier Weber.

"The Jardin d?Acclimatation was originally a zoological park created in 1852 in the Paris region to acclimatize exotic animal species.

Moving animal and plant species, as well as humans, it became synonymous with the extraordinary place where the colonial society of the time could develop its sense of superiority and control over the rest of the planet. Today, paradigms have shifted, and climate change has become a matter of course. The Capitalocene has brought about a global climate emergency.

Since globalization, imported species have become invasive: the need now is to maintain a diversity of living beings while protecting endemic species. Every place has the potential to become an acclimatization garden. Living things stay put. It's the climatic zones that migrate. "

Text: Olivier Weber

Open to the public: Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, 2:30 pm to 6 pm and by appointment


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  • Exhibition


Open from 19 July 2024 to 15 September 2024
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Free for all