Expositions photographiques EOP

Major events, 


From 20/09/2024

EOP, a major event devoted to outdoor documentary photography, is this year exhibiting three photographers on the major climate issues of the future: Adrienne Surprenant, Rima Maroun, Robin Letellier.

Positioned in public spaces, the exhibitions transform the urban space of everyday life. Photography becomes a work of art accessible to all, opening up a dialogue with visitors.

Trapped by rising waters, Adrienne Surprenant, quais bas rive gauche ? Rouen
Menace sur le lac Albert, Robin Letellier, place des Erables ? Bois-Guillaume
Prise de terre, Rima Maroun, place du chêne rouge ? Rouen

Curated by Marie-Hélène Labat and Serge Périchon.
Project supported by Maison de l?architecture de Normandie ? le Forum and La Loge des auteurs photographes.

Free outdoor access:
- Rouen: quai bas rive gauche at pont Boieldieu and Place du Chêne rouge
- Bois-Guillaume: Place des Erables near Les Portes de la Forêt elementary school

Guided tours for groups and schools by appointment: 70?/h (incl. tax) (on quotation or collective culture pass)


  • On foot
  • Sustainable development
  • Photography
  • Exhibition


Open from 20 September 2024 to 24 November 2024
LundiNot provided
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MercrediNot provided
JeudiNot provided
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SamediNot provided
DimancheNot provided


Free for all