Exposition – Une fenêtre sur le tiers lieu

Major events, 


From 19/09/2024

This THIRD-PARTY PLACE is designed to host all kinds of commercial (weekly market, etc.) or non-commercial, collective or individual events....
- a place for individual emancipation, for personal or collective initiatives
- a place for collective group dynamics
- a place for the creation of local cooperative ventures

Today, an exhibition: ? A WINDOW ONTO THE THIRD PLACE?
organized at the request of the Town Hall by the Association Art en Perche.

The exhibition focuses on youth, activity and life in the city, the market of course, and a viewpoint on current issues (international tensions, the environment in the broadest sense...)

- Six artists, three women and three men, and an organization highlighting people in their lives and in their individual or collective activities, urban activities and the market through the showcasing of products (fruit and vegetables...), and making room for reflections on our World.
- Six artists using a variety of techniques: painting, photography, black etching, drawing, inks...

- Ana Maria Fuensalida, artist born and educated in Chile, textile designer and artist (inks). Lives in Perche
- Eva Gregorieff, barely thirty, born in Cherbourg, studied at the Beaux Arts du Mans (oil and acrylic painting). Lives in Paris
- Catherine Marie, artist from Normandy, studies at Arts Décoratifs in Paris, art teacher and artist ( painting, engraving...). Lives in Normandy
- David Commenchal, photographer and musician. Lives in Perche
- Tilman Eichhorn, German-born artist, engraver and painter, long-time resident of Perche, lives in Charente
- Nicolas Gasiorowski, self-taught artist born in Paris (painting and photography). Lives in Normandy

Opening on Saturday, September 21 at 11:30 a.m.

Exhibition on view :
- tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 2 pm to 6 pm.
- saturdays from 10am to 6:30pm.
- sunday, September 22, 10am to 6:30pm.
- nocturne on friday september 27 until 9pm.


  • Exhibition


Open from 19 September 2024 to 01 October 2024
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