Exposition : Textures : Dialogue entre art contemporain et archives

Major events, 


From 21/10/2024

The Textures exhibition brings together artists? works of the mind from the collections of the Fonds départemental d?art contemporain and archival documents that were not created with artistic intent, but for utilitarian reasons.

This unprecedented dialogue is built on associations of form, color and material, sometimes around a common meaning. The confrontation of works and documents can thus create a particular emotion, and the way in which each object and work is viewed can be enriched by a new reading.

In partnership with the Fond départemental d'art contemporain de l'Orne.

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm and Sunday, 2.30pm to 6pm.


  • Contemporary Art
  • History
  • Heritage
  • Exhibition


Open from 21 October 2024 to 02 February 2025
LundiNot provided
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MercrediNot provided
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DimancheNot provided

