Exposition temporaire inédite au Musée du Poiré : Quand tonne le canon, tintent les carafons !

Major events, 


To 01/10/2024

Discover the production and consumption of alcohol during the Second World War in Normandy. From the pre-war period through the German Occupation to the Liberation, we trace the behavior of civilians and German and American soldiers. How did alcohol production continue under the Occupation? How did the Germans deal with this production? Did the Liberation give new impetus to production and consumption? Never-before-seen texts and archive documents, along with dramatizations to help you better understand this major period in Normandy?s history. Free admission. No reservation required. During opening hours.


  • D-Day
  • History
  • Exhibition


Open from 01 April 2024 to 01 October 2024
LundiNot provided
MardiNot provided
MercrediNot provided
JeudiNot provided
VendrediNot provided
SamediNot provided
DimancheNot provided


Free for all