Exposition “Renaître des Ruines : les villes au coeur de la guerre” au Mémorial de Falaise

Major events, 


To 03/11/2024

During the Second World War, urban centers became a major strategic, military and political issue. As testing grounds for new, increasingly destructive weapons technologies, and the focus of intense propaganda campaigns, cities were the preferred theaters of operation in a relentless struggle between Allied and Axis forces. But the victims were invariably the same: the civilian population.

How has bombing strategy been theorized since WW1? Was it necessary to bomb the cities of Normandy? What strategies and weaponry were deployed by the belligerent forces? Why did Reconstruction take so long? What were living conditions like in the immediate post-war period?

These are just some of the questions that visitors to the Falaise Memorial have been asking, and which the temporary exhibition will attempt to answer, in spaces newly designed for the occasion.


  • D-Day
  • History
  • Exhibition


Open from 01 June 2024 to 03 November 2024
LundiNot provided
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MercrediNot provided
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DimancheNot provided


Base rate 8,50€
Reduced rate 7,50€
Reduced rate 4,50€
Family Price 18€