Exposition “Les oiseaux du Parc des Marais du Cotentin et du Bessin”

Major events, 


From 23/09/2024

Initiated during a residency at the Fours à chaux de Regnéville sur Mer, the illustrations presented here were created for a future book conceived in association with the Parc des Marais. A book that presents the personal and poetic vision of two authors discovering our marshes. Benjamin Audouard with the texts, Antoine Pérus with the drawings.
Meeting with Antoine Pérus and Benjamin Audouard, Friday September 27, 6.30pm.

Open to all, free of charge.

In partnership with the Département de La Manche.


  • Discovery
  • Family
  • Nature
  • Birds
  • Exhibition


Open from 23 September 2024 to 05 October 2024
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Free for all