Exposition “La Presqu’île de Caen”

Major events, 


From 10/09/2024

This series of illustrations by Denis Renard presents a neighborhood in transformation: the Caen peninsula, a former port and industrial district. These drawings are a kind of testimony to a place that is about to radically change its vocation. The vestiges of industrial activity are gradually disappearing, and Denis Renard wanted to "fix" them as they were at a given moment. The central element is the viaduct, a sort of backbone, recognizable to all Caen residents, which dominates the industrial wasteland with its mass of concrete. Strolling through the decrepit streets, Denis Renard was inspired by this mishmash of working company buildings alongside abandoned warehouses; modern footbridges running alongside old railroad lines. So many pages being turned.
As part of the Heritage Days program.


  • Exhibition


Open from 10 September 2024 to 28 September 2024
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