Exposition de photographies

Major events, 


To 14/09/2024

Noureddine ABOUZAID invites you to discover an exhibition of photographs at the Colleville-Montgomery media library (during library opening hours)
An amateur photographer with a passion for photography, Noureddine ABOUZAID prefers no particular theme, and is interested in all subjects. This exhibition is organized around 4 themes:
- Landscapes at golden hour or blue hour, at sunrise or sunset. This is when Normandy takes on its most beautiful colors.
- Culinary photos: "It's always a challenge to create a photo from nothing. You have to compose, light and photograph"
- Flowers treated as "photo proxies", where his aim is to magnify nature through the use of depth of field to isolate stamens and petals, just as one would isolate a model?s gaze.
- Abstract photos. "is photography obliged to copy the real world? Like painters, photographers are in search of new universes".


  • Photography
  • Exhibition


Open from 02 August 2024 to 14 September 2024
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Free for all