Conférence > “Et si on pouvait cultiver l’eau”

Major events, 



Join us on September 16 at Pôle Agglo 21 for a lecture by Samuel Bonvoisin on "Et si on pouvait cultiver l'eau" ("What if we could grow water?").

"Droughts, floods: the watchword we hear everywhere is "we have to adapt". I agree! But is this the only way, the only lever we have in our possession to develop our resilience on a territorial scale? What if we could do much better? like, for example, cultivating water?

"An agricultural engineer by training, my career has focused on issues of transition and the resilience of human societies, particularly in the fields of agriculture, water management, education and living together." - Samuel BONVOISIN

"Even in regions where it is abundant, such as Normandy, climate change is weakening water resources." - IPCC Normandy

With this in mind, and in view of the severe drought observed in the region in 2022, the Development Council, with the support of Saint-Lô Agglo, has embarked on a project to raise awareness and share knowledge, with the aim of developing practices, supporting change and the policies implemented to protect water resources.

The challenge is to adapt, to mitigate the effects of climate change on the water cycle, and to prevent the predicted risks of drought or excessive rainfall.

Conferences, exhibitions, tours, educational workshops, landscape readings - the program is gradually expanding.

A conference proposed by the Saint-Lô Agglo Development Council as a preamble to the European Week for Sustainable Development.


  • Conference


Opening on 16 September 2024
LundiFrom 18h30