Atelier de comédie musicale

Major events, 


To 02/10/2024

Singing, acting, dancing? Come and discover this complete and exciting discipline to have fun and challenge yourself on stage! We meet every 15 days (during school term time) at the Espace François Simon in Carolles, to work on different techniques and scenes from French and Broadway musicals.

Public: young people and adults aged 13 and over
Schedule: every other Wednesday (except during school vacations) from 7 to 9:30 p.m
More info and registration via the website opposite


  • Adult
  • For children
  • Work shop / Course
  • Dancing


Open from 11 September 2024 to 02 October 2024
LundiNot provided
MardiNot provided
MercrediNot provided
JeudiNot provided
VendrediNot provided
SamediNot provided
DimancheNot provided


Base rate 0€ 350€