Art et sentiers 15e édition

Major events, 


To 15/09/2024

An exhibition of ephemeral works of art along a 5km hiking trail.
Individuals, amateur and established artists, schoolchildren, associations, specialized structures? have created one or more works of art according to their inspiration and desire to enhance the discovery of this walk. Free access, open to all.
Departure from church parking lot. A second trail can be seen in Parigny, near Saint-Hilaire du Harcouët. Flyer available at the trailheads and at the tourist information offices of the Mont Saint-Michel - Normandie Tourist Office.


  • Photography
  • Rambling
  • Exhibition
  • Hikes/Walks


Open from 15 June 2024 to 15 September 2024
LundiNot provided
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MercrediNot provided
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DimancheNot provided


Free for all