100 ans Les Planches – Exposition : “Deauville : La belle histoire des Planches”

Major events, 


To 06/04/2025

In 2024, Deauville celebrates 100 years of Les Planches and Les Bains pompéiens. A place for sea bathing, strolling, socializing, games, meetings and events... Les Planches and its art deco cabins, designed by architect Charles Adda and inaugurated on July 6, 1924, have remained Deauville's most visited, surveyed and photographed site ever since.

As part of the centenary celebrations, the palisade covering the site of the future "Salle de la Plage" reception hall has been transformed into an exhibition space. Photos, postcards, famous quotations and family memories - the entire history of the Planches is on display in an open-air chronology spanning over sixty meters.


  • History
  • Heritage
  • Exhibition


Open from 18 May 2024 to 06 April 2025
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