Plaque Combat Medics

Cultural Heritage, 


The "medics" plaque was unveiled in 2018 on Omaha Beach in the presence of Ray Lambert, on the very spot where the 16th Regiment of the 1st US Infantry Division landed on June 6, 1944.

A nurse sergeant in the 1st Infantry Division, Ray Lambert landed on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944. On that day, he was part of the first assault waves of the 1st US Infantry Division on Omaha Beach. Having joined the US Army in 1940, he had already taken part in several major military operations during the Second World War, in North Africa and Sicily.

When he approached Omaha Beach in his landing craft, he was a sergeant leading a group of nurses. Under heavy enemy fire, he organized the rescue of survivors and set up a first-aid post on the beach, near a concrete block, one of the few shelters where the wounded could be brought to safety, below Wn 62, the German-held resistance nest in the Colleville-sur-Mer sector.

Ray Lambert was wounded several times during the day on June 6, but continued to treat the wounded. For his actions, he received several high American awards, as well as the Légion d?Honneur.

Ray Lambert died on April 10, 2021 at the age of 100. In accordance with his wishes, he was cremated at Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia, while some of his ashes were scattered on Omaha beach, where he loved to return to pay tribute to his brothers in arms, in the presence of friends and family.

The site has since become a place of remembrance for D-Day doctors and nurses.