Le blockhaus Wn 62

Cultural Heritage, 


The Wn 62 is the centerpiece of the German defensive system in the Colleville-sur-Mer sector, and in itself symbolizes the fierce German resistance that almost jeopardized the American landings on Omaha.
Along with Pointe du Hoc, Omaha was the other D-Day sector to see the Germans outflank the Allied attackers at dawn on June 6. Opposite the Easy Red sector, framing a 750m-long slope, Wn 62 controlled access to the 43m-high plateau set back 200m from the beach. Despite this advantageous position for the enemy, and the presence of marshy areas and minefields, the Americans made this area the ideal place to break through. With a less steep slope than elsewhere, and the discovery of a small valley facing west, access to the summit of the Omaha beaches became a real possibility. But at great cost.

Defended by some forty Germans, supported by Wn 61 and an anti-tank ditch, Wn 62 locked down the valley leading to Colleville. At the junction of the Easy Red and Fox Green sectors, this beach exit would not be cleared until the evening of June 6, 1944. Meanwhile, under relentless shelling since dawn, Wn 62 was evacuated by its last occupants around 3pm. Faced with this powerful German defensive complex, numerous barges were washed ashore on the morning of June 6. It was in this sector that American troops suffered their heaviest losses on June 6, 1944.

A monument on the roof of a blockhouse pays tribute to the 5th Special Engineer Brigade, whose task it was to clear and reclaim the eastern part of Omaha. Wn 62 also supports the obelisk erected in honour of the 1st US Infantry Division and its soldiers who fell between June 6 and 24, 1944.