Saison culturelle : Laurel et Hardy

Major events, 



Laurel and Hardy form one of the best-known comedy duos in the history of the 7th art. The tandem was formed in 1927, when both actors were in their early forties and had already established successful acting careers on their own. Their success was considerable, and from then on they never stopped appearing together. In a career spanning 25 years, they made over 100 films.
With this new ciné-concert program, the Orchestre Régional de Normandie invites you to discover three of Laurel & Hardy?s first short films.
The commission for this new musical creation has been entrusted to Cyrille Aufort, an eminent composer of film music who has already signed brilliantly for the ORN the compositions of ciné-concerts on Mickey Mouse and Charlie Chaplin
on Mickey Mouse and Charlie Chaplin.

Running time: 1 hour

Composition: Cyrille Aufort
Musical direction: Jean Deroyer
And the musicians of the Orchestre Régional de Normandie


  • Cinema
  • Concert


Opening on 19 April 2025
SamediFrom 20h30


Adult rate 24€
Reduced rate 21€
Subscriber's rate 16€
Reduced rate 15€