Planches Contact #15 – Workshop avec Eric Bouvet

Major events, 


From 22/11/2024

Three days with photographer Éric Bouvet to discuss photography and develop your practice.

"This workshop is all about sharing and enjoying photography. Whether it's during the shooting, the editing, the culture with images by the masters, or working on my own reports. It's always intense with me, because during these days, I do everything I can to lift people up. It's all positive, because photography is first and foremost an exploration of ourselves and the world around us. Good humor and concentration. Back to basics to get the most out of your equipment, but above all to get the most out of your ?il."


  • Photography
  • Work shop / Course


Open from 22 November 2024 to 24 November 2024
Vendredi 10h30 à 18h30
Samedi 10h30 à 18h30
Dimanche 10h30 à 18h30


Base rate 300€
Reduced rate 250€