Journées Européennes du patrimoine 2024 – MUSEE D’ART ET D’HISTOIRE DE LISIEUX – ACCROCHAGE « ELLES FONT LE MUSEE »

Major events, 


From 21/09/2024

At the heart of its permanent collections, the Musée d'art et d'histoire presents an exhibition of remarkable works by women artists, or depictions of women whose cultural role was major, albeit forgotten. It will highlight Jeanne Bonnefoi, a painter, devotee and activist. This event is organized as part of the "Journées du Matrimoine", a joint project of the AGCCPF (Association des conservateurs et professionnels de Musées) on women in museums.


  • Exhibition


Open from 21 September 2024 to 22 September 2024
Samedi 14h00 à 18h00
Dimanche 14h00 à 18h00


Free for all