Restitution : le livre géant qui nous raconte

Major events, 



Most Cordiants can't read or write, but the magic of books and words also comes from the spoken word. Alain Chiche understands this, and happens to be a master in the field. He'll be offering participants a playful, poetic writing exercise based on their words, their emotions, their stories and their dreams.

Participants can then experiment with different techniques to create images to accompany their texts, guided once again by the advice of our illustrator-author.

The result will be a giant book, presented in 2 lively stage performances and an exhibition to be discovered at the Tourouvre media library. A book whose pages will sometimes be personal, sometimes collective, perhaps even recounting shared memories of the Golden Horn... Everything remains to be written and invented, as this work is destined to evolve according to the proposals and desires of its authors.


  • Adult
  • Contemporary Art
  • Family
  • Poetry
  • Contemporary theatre
  • Reading
  • Show


Opening on 19 December 2024
JeudiFrom 18h30


Free for all