Exposition | Brigitte Tartière : Les champs de papiers

Major events, 


From 12/10/2024

Les Dominicaines, Espace Culturel & Artothèque welcomes visual artist Brigitte Tartière, for the exhibition Les champs de papiers.

Moucharabiehs, zelliges, chiselled plaster and other non-figurative Moroccan handicrafts have had a major influence on the artistic work of Brigitte Tartière, who spent her childhood outside France. She won first prize for quilting at the age of 4, and since then has continued to explore this technique in her work.
A graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et des Métiers d?Art in Paris, she took part in numerous exhibitions in France, as well as in Korea, Japan and the United States. In 1982, with artist friends, she founded the La Seine group, which presents an annual exhibition based on engraving. The group has now celebrated its fortieth anniversary, a rare event in the art world.

For Brigitte Tartière, paper is like a living entity that breathes thanks to the stitches she makes. Stitching becomes as natural as breathing. Each stitch is different, as she says, "you never breathe the same way twice".

She compares herself to a farmer who, every day, goes to his field to dig furrows and sow seeds of light. However, there is no idea of toil in this daily task; rather, it is a vital need.

Murmures d?eau, Grains de soleil, Piqûres d?étoiles - simple, poetic, universal titles.
His work is meticulous, precise, almost mathematical, yet warm and deeply human.

Arches paper, vellum or watercolor, washi and hanji, the different media she uses express themselves differently according to the techniques employed.

Komorebi is a Japanese word for sunlight filtering through the leaves of trees. It's this same idea, this lightness and emotion, that we find in Brigitte Tartière's art.

Divided into three spaces, Les champs de papiers invites us to discover her artistic path and her very particular practice, to observe the infinitely small becoming larger, to contemplate paper coming to life through her engravings and large, colorful quilts. This dreamlike journey ends on the second floor with his "burnt papers" and his book Lumière, the first watermarked work, deposited at BnF in the Reserve des livres rares et précieux.


  • Contemporary Art
  • Exhibition


Open from 12 October 2024 to 14 December 2024
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Base rate 3,30€
Reduced rate 1,60€