Saison culturelle : “Les gros patinent bien” – Olivier Martin-Salvan et Pierre Guillois

Major events, 



Olivier Martin-Salvan and Pierre Guillois: "Les gros patinent bien" (Fat people skate well)
Running time: 1 hour 20 minutes
All audiences
Venue: Forum - Théâtre de Falaise
Price: from 19 to 22?

The first, pudgy, is a great Shakespearean actor.
Dressed in a three-piece suit, he tells us in his own way - without moving from his seat, in imaginary English - the incredible saga of a man who crossed land and sea, from the Faroe Islands to southern Spain, to become a king, or more likely a beggar. The skinny second is his handyman. Wearing only a bathing suit, he runs from one end of the stage to the other, brandishing cardboard boxes that serve as surtitles, props, costumes?

As you'll have gathered, there's nothing serious about the whimsical adventures these two embark upon.
They're zany and absurd, and they make every kind of rambling possible.


  • Show


Opening on 22 January 2025
MercrediFrom 20h30


Base rate 19€ 22€