Les grands entretiens des Franciscaines : Elisabeth Quin rencontre Sabrina Krief

Major events, 



As part of her ongoing commitment to the living world, Elisabeth Quin talks to Sabrina Krief, one of the world's most renowned primatologists.

Veterinarian and primatologist at the Muséum national d?Histoire naturelle in Paris, Sabrina Krief devotes her life to the great apes and chimpanzees of the Kibalé forest in Uganda. For the past twenty years, in the footsteps of Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey, she has been fighting to save our closest cousins, threatened by poaching, deforestation and disease. Years of sharing the lives of wild chimpanzees and thousands of hours of observation have led to many discoveries. On how orphaned chimpanzees taken in by humans readapt to life in the wild. On the everyday behavior of chimpanzees, and in particular the way they treat themselves with particular plants that they select and from which she has been able to isolate new molecules with pharmacological properties. On the consequences of cohabitation between humans and chimpanzees in densely populated areas. Sabrina Krief unveils an exceptional scientific and human adventure.


  • Events / signings


Opening on 20 October 2024
Dimanche 16h00 à 17h00


Base rate 5€
