Les Franciscaines en scène – Léonore Chaix “La Femme à qui rien n’arrive”

Major events, 



A singular monologue driven by the virtuosity and precision of Léonore Chaix's writing and acting, this show is a nugget of absurdity in an ultra-connected world.
After the success of "Déshabillez-Mots", the France Inter chronicles adapted for the stage (written with Flor Lurienne), Léonore Chaix is back as a solo artist. She plays all the characters in this wacky metaphysical thriller, in which she has just one objective: to complete her list of incompressible daily tasks at the robotic pace dictated by the Machine. She's occupied only with the basics, the must-haves of stewardship. Caught in the trap of virtual advertising, however, she signs a contract
with a salesman specializing in the production of things that happen. And here is this woman to whom nothing happens, confronted with what she dreads most: that something will happen to her. Her world becomes increasingly delirious.


  • Theatre


Opening on 12 October 2024
Samedi 19h30 à 20h30


Base rate 16€
Subscriber's rate 10€
Reduced rate 6€