
Major events, 



A poetic journey without words, where sand drawing and music express their full narrative power.

Before the eyes and ears of the audience, a story takes shape: that of Thumbelina, the immense and tiny child.

Live projection of drawings in the sand, to the tune of a fairy tale? Freely adapted from Hans Christian Andersen?s fairy tale, "Thumbelina" invites us to follow in her footsteps, drawn in the sand. A little girl born from a seed, Thumbelina is about to embark on an adventure of her own, where happy and dark encounters will push her ever further. We feel the wind, we sail
with Poucette on this water lily pushed by the waves, we shiver under the tree and pant with her underground? a sincere hymn to freedom, this initiatory tale revisited with all the finesse (of a grain of sand) enables us to tackle themes such as nature, growing up, the journey?


  • For children
  • Show


Opening on 18 November 2024
Lundi 18h30 à 19h05


Base rate 4€ 12€

Payment methods

  • Carte Tatoo
  • Carte bleue
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash
  • Contactless payment