Festival “Street Art”

Major events, 


From 02/10/2024

Festival program
Period 1 >Artists in residence Jean-Michel Karey, Rekly and Oji from October 3 to 7
The artists in residence at the ABRS* cultural center will work in complete cohesion, sharing and pooling their artistic vision and culture, creating and producing a number of works on canvas on the festival theme of "Man and Nature". The work will culminate in an exhibition, exchanges, workshops and various activities.
These works will then be presented to the public during the restitution days.
To enable us to travel and broaden the exchange of our cultures, the Street Art Festival will be organized over the weekend of October 5/6 around a Normandy-Guadeloupe "terroir" market, showcasing local products from our two regions.
Various street animations, art, craft and/or culinary exhibitions on Saturday October 5 and Sunday October 6 will mark the highlights of this colorful festival.

Period 2 > Restitution-exhibition and meetings with the public on October 8 and 9.
An exhibition of works produced during the artists? residency, organized by ABRS* on its premises, will be presented to the public. This will be a time for exchanges, encounters and introductory workshops for the very young.

Stage 3 > Mural painting in and around the town from October 10 to 12.
Live murals will be created in 5 spaces chosen in collaboration with associations, artists and the town to ensure feasibility, safety and the festival theme. The locations will be revealed when the works in residence are returned


  • Exhibition


Open from 02 October 2024 to 12 October 2024
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Free for all